Written by George Cook
DeathStar; 7126-4 12’6” for 7 line. Already one of the all-time greats. The number one requested rod at your local Spey Clave. Steelhead anywhere, everywhere. Tierra Del Fuego "the only rod you’ll need”. Big Alaska Rainbows on June 8th, can even stay in the quiver for Kings on June 25th.
Line Match: Skagit Flight 525, Steelhead Scandi 510, AFS 8/9, Scandi Short 485
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 129 or 150 grain type 3, 6 and 8. T-11/T-14 in 10’, 12.5’ and 15’. 10’ Spey VersiLeaders All Types (SH Scandi/AFS).
M.O.W. Match: Light/T-8, Medium/T-11 & Heavy/T-14
Reel Match: Sage 6010, Tibor Signature Series 9/10, Tibor Riptide, Sage 4210
TCX 9140-4 14’ for 9 line. In the gun world they call this an Ultra Mag. So welcome the new magnum 9 weight spey. Alaska Kings, Alta Atlantics, B.C. and big Winter Runs everywhere. The TCX #9-spey, all the power without weight or fatigue.
Line Match: Flight 650, AFS 9/10, PowerSpey 9/10, Unispey 10/11, Steelhead Scandi 550
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 150 & 166 grain type 3, 6 and 8. T-14/T-17 in 10’, 12.5’, 13’ and 15’ lengths. Spey VersiLeaders 15’ All Types (AFS).
M.O.W. Match: Heavy/T-14, Extra heavy/T-17
Reel Match: Sage 6012, Tibor Gulfstream, Tibor Riptide
TCX 10150-4 15’ for 10 line. How far do you want to cast? Whatever the max job that awaits your angling adventure, this is the tool to bring to the party! The largest rivers, the biggest challenges from the World’s great Anadromous game fish.
Line Match: Skagit Flight 750, PowerSpey 10/11, AFS 10/11 (make sure your holding on!)
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 166 or 190 grain type 3, 6 and 8. T-14/T-17 in 13’, 15’ and 17’, Spey VersiLeaders 15’ All Types (AFS)
M.O.W. Match: T-14/Heavy, Extra heavy/T-17
Reel Match: Sage 6012, Tibor Gulfstream, Sage 8012
The new TCX Switch Rods feature 5 through 8 weight rods in a super effective 11’9” length. These ultra lightweight powerful tools cast like 13’ Spey rods while feeling like a 10’ single-handed rod. Proprietary TCX taper design coupled with G5 Technology have brought forth a revolutionary Switch rod series.
TCX 5119-4 11’9” for 5 line. The little guy of the group. Small but powerful. Western streamer swingin’ stick, lake and beach too, small steelhead use for such haunts as the Rogue, Grande Ronde and John Day.
Line Match: Skagit Short 325, Scandi Short Versitip 320, Steelhead Scandi 310, Outbound WF-6 (beach/lake), Rio Switch 5/6
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 109 Type 3, 6 & 8, T-8/T-11 in 10’ & 12.5’, 6’ & 10’ Spey VersiLeaders All Types (SH Scandi/AFS), Scandi New 10’ Tips
M.O.W. Match: T-8/Light
Reel Match: Sage 4680, Sage 4280, Tibor Everglades, Sage 3880
TCX 6119-4 11’9” for 6 line. Small steelhead, Alaska Rainbows and Dollies, beach weapon dejour/lake tool.
Line Match: Skagit Flight 350, Steelhead Scandi 350, Skagit Short 375, Scandi Short Versitip 370, Rio Switch 6/7
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 109 & 129 Type 3, 6 & 8, T-8/T-11 in 10’ & 12.5’, 6’ & 10’ Spey VersiLeaders All Types (SH Scandi/AFS), Scandi New 10’ Tips
M.O.W. Match: T-8/Light & T-11/Medium
Reel Match: Sage 4280, Tibor Everglades, Sage 6080
TCX 7119-4 11’9” for 7 line. As with most Switch rods, the #7 represents the 30.06 of Switch. From Alaska Rainbows to Oregon Coastal Steelhead to Tierra Del Fuego Sea-Run Brows, the 7 plays big. Not overkill for Trout but big enough for Anadramous Critters, here is your all-purpose player.
Line Match: Skagit Flight 400, Steelhead Scandi 385, Skagit Short 425, Scandi Short Veristip 425, Rio Switch 7/8
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 109 & 129 Type 3, 6 & 8, T-8/T-11/T-14 in 10’ & 12.5’, 6’ & 10’ Spey VersiLeaders All Types (SH Scandi/AFS), Scandi New 10’ Tips
M.O.W. Match: T-8/Light,T-11/Medium & T-14/Heavy
Reel Match: Sage 4280, Tibor Signature 7/8, Sage 6080
TCX 8119-4 11’9” for 8 line. Wow, you gotta try this one! Talk about power in a light package. Focused Anadramous Switch rod, steelhead anywhere, smaller Atlantic salmon venues, Sea-Run Browns, Coastal Steelhead tight-quarter focus. You will be shocked at the distances this rod will produce.
Line Match: Skagit Flight 450, Steelhead Scandi 435, Skagit Short 475, Scandi Short Versiptip 425, Rio Switch 8/9
Sink Tip Use: 15’ 129 & 150 Type 3, 6 & 8, T-8/T-11/T-14 in 10’, 11’ & 12.5’, 6’ & 10’ Spey VersiLeaders All Types (SH Scandi/AFS), Scandi New 10’ Tips
M.O.W. Match: T-8/Light,T-11/Medium & T-14/Heavy
Reel Match: Sage 6080, Tibor Signature 7/8, Sage 3880, Sage 4280