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WebSite Shopping Safety

Five Tips for Safer online shopping

We love happy customers and what makes a happy customer? A great product and a happy shopping experience to start...

  1. Download a Secure Browser: Do you ever have trouble with Internet Explore? Often wonder if theirs something better? Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are great choices, plus it's always nice to have a secondary browser on hand. Download Firefox or Chrome and test it out. Trust me, they won't bite and with a little practice you'll figure things out in no time. Keep in mind these two browsers can often be faster and more slimline in appearance, that alone can make for a more enjoyable experience. Still not convinced, I'll let you in on a known fact. These two browsers do a better job supporting anti-phishing and anti-malware and protect you better against spyware.

  2. Keep your software updated: Keep your operating system up to date and secure. Many people think they must pay to be secure. You don't need to pay $49.99 to be secure. There are a couple safe and free anti-Virus programs on the market that are free of charge, also easily up-gradable and cheaper than other leading brands like Norton or McAfee. For example Avast and AVG.

  3. Secure your passwords: Two things to keep in mind, keep your password safe and get creative. Time and time again I see and hear about people using passwords much to simple,

Just to name a few.

1. password
2 123456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty

So while coming up with an original password, dig down deep and look beyond your normal password scheme (think of a sentence and mix it up). Keep your passwords safe and change them often. Too often people keep their passwords on their desk or elsewhere close by. Would you leave $50 on your desk at work? I wouldn't, either find a safe spot for your passwords or remember them by heart.

  1. Look for the S: The all important S. Or more visually recognized by https://, the S refers to the S after the p in This may sound confusing but remember this, while shopping online at any web site may it be Ebay, Cabelas or Gorge Fly Shop. While checking out and after clicking the "Check Out" or Pay Now button look for the That S means your secured and safe while shopping.

  2. Don't sacrifice security for mobility: Most people shop online at home or at work on a desktop or laptop computer but every day more and more people are shopping on mobile phones or other mobile devices like Ipads. Keep yourself safe by shopping on a secure network.

Article by: Mike Prine
Gorge Fly Shop Webmaster

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