Fly Rod Outfits
Now Available: GFS Select Kits
GFS Select Outfits are hand selected complete outfits designed to fit specific needs of anglers whether you are seeking and awesome steelhead two hand rod, trout spey, euro nymph, saltwater or a great trout fly fishing rod. We put these kits together with the same gear we choose to fish with.
Fly Rod Outfits are an all inclusive package which can really help get someone started in fly fishing. While some might be budget minded many are very high quality gear that could fulfill an anglers needs indefinitely. A Sage Sonic Outfit could satisfy the trout angler needs for a lifetime. Some outfits are designed to help start youth into fly fishing. These outfits include Redington Minnow and Echo Gecko. No matter the purpose all these outfits include Rod, Reel, Line and Case. For recommendations give us a call at 541.386.6977
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