Wading Boots always seem to be the last of the list of importance! After you drop a chunk of hard earned cash on a good pair of Waders next comes the Boots and its easy to want to save a few dollars here. One thing I have noticed from working the retail front is that the guys that have been Fly Fishing the longest buy the best Boots and they make sure they fit properly. Nothing more will take you out of your groove then improper Boot fit or slip sliding around on improper soles. Check out our Buyer Guide for fitting boots and give some thought to the sole options that are best for you. A proper fit and good traction make for great Wading Boots and they don’t necessary have to be the most expensive you can buy. Gorge Fly Shop employees make up many years of experience using and selling Wading Boots. We have a pretty good idea of what you need to be safe and comfortable on the stream. Give us a call for our experienced advice at 541.386.6977